Nanday Conure: The Colorful Chatterbox of the Avian World

If you’re looking for a feathered friend who’s bursting with personality and vibrant colors, the Nanday Conure might be the perfect companion for you.

These delightful parrots are known for their striking appearance, playful demeanor, and their ability to mimic human speech.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Nanday Conures, from their characteristics and care to common questions and more.

Nanday Conure

Nanday Conures, scientifically known as Aratinga nenday, are medium-sized parrots native to South America, specifically in regions like Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina.

These birds are prized for their stunning green plumage, marked by a striking black face mask, which gives them a distinctive appearance.

Appearance and Plumage

Their plumage is predominantly green, with a brighter shade on the body and wings. They have a black head, which extends to the back of the neck, and their face is marked with a white eye ring and a striking red band of feathers on the lower part of their face, just above the beak. This red band can make them easily identifiable.

Nanday conures have a strong, hooked beak, which is grayish-black in color.

They have long, pointed tails that are blue at the base and gradually transition to a green color. The blue on the tail is more noticeable when the bird is in flight.

Their eyes are dark, and they are surrounded by a white eye-ring, which gives them an expressive and distinctive appearance.

Nanday conures do not display significant sexual dimorphism in terms of their plumage. Both males and females have similar coloration.

Nandey conures are approximately 12-13 inches (30-33 cm) in length and they can live up to 20-30 if taken care of properly.

Natural Habitat

Nanday conures (Aratinga nenday) are native to South America, and primarily found in their natural habitat in parts of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay.

Nanday conures inhabit regions with tropical and subtropical climates, which include a mix of wet and dry seasons. Because of this diversity in climate, they can thrive in different conditions.

They are commonly found in woodlands, savannas, and open forests. These birds are known to roost and nest in tree cavities, often forming colonies with other conures or parrot species.

Nanday Conure Behavior

It is essential to understand the behavior of Nanday Conure to provide them with a happy and healthy life. Let’s explore their social dynamics, vocalizations, and general temperament.

Social Creatures

Nanday conures are social birds like other coures. They form large flocks which may have a hundreds of individuals, in their natural habitat.

If kept as a pet, they can form strong bonds with their human caregivers and are known to be affectionate, seeking attention and interaction.


Nanday conures are quite vocal and have a wide range of vocalizations. They are known for their loud, screeching calls, which can be heard both in the wild and among pet conures. This noise level can be challenging for some people.

They have the ability to mimic sounds, including human speech, to some extent. While they are not as renowned for their talking abilities as some other parrot species, they can learn a few words and phrases.

Playful and Curious

Nanday conures are lively and playful birds. They enjoy toys and activities that stimulate them mentally and physically. They need mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom.

Many Nanday conures are affectionate and enjoy being with their human companions. They often seek out physical contact and may cuddle with their owners.

While they enjoy social interaction, Nanday conures can also be independent and may entertain themselves when they have toys or activities to engage with.

Nanday Conure Care and Wellness

Caring for Nanday conures requires attention to various aspects of their well-being. Here are some key considerations for their care and wellness:

Diet and Nutrition

Their natural diet includes a variety of fruits, seeds, and vegetation, which are readily available in their woodland habitats. They are known to forage for food in trees and on the ground.

To make them feel at home offer a balanced diet that includes high-quality parrot pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional nuts or seeds.

Ensure a daily supply of clean, fresh water.

Avoid feeding toxic foods such as chocolate, avocado, and foods high in salt or sugar.

Click here to learn more about Conure Diet and Nutrition

Housing and Enclosure

Provide a spacious and appropriately sized cage, allowing enough room for the bird to move, spread its wings, and exercise.

Include perches, toys, and branches for mental and physical stimulation.

Keep the cage in a well-ventilated area away from drafts and direct sunlight.

Click here to learn more about Conure Housing and Environment

Common Health Concerns

Regularly monitor your conure for any signs of illness or discomfort, such as changes in behavior, appetite, or droppings.

Schedule regular check-ups with an avian veterinarian to ensure their overall health.

Consider preventative health measures, like vaccinations and parasite control, as recommended by your vet.

Building a Strong Connection with Your Nanday Conure

Creating a strong and trust-based relationship with your Nanday Conure is crucial for their overall happiness. Here are some tips to help you foster this special bond:

Spend Quality Time Together

Nanday Conures are social birds and thrive on interaction. Set aside dedicated playtime each day to engage with your feathered friend. Whether it’s playing with toys, practicing tricks, or simply cuddling, this quality time will strengthen your bond.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Use positive reinforcement techniques when training your Nanday Conure. Reward them with treats, praise, and affection when they exhibit desired behaviors. This creates a positive association with training and encourages them to learn.

Be Patient and Consistent

Just like with any pet, patience is key. If you’re teaching your Nanday Conure to talk or perform tricks, remember that it may take time for them to grasp new concepts. Be consistent in your training efforts, and don’t get discouraged if progress is slow.

Respect Their Personality

Nanday Conures, like all individuals, have their own unique personalities. Some may be more outgoing and vocal, while others may be a bit shy. Respect their individuality and adjust your interactions accordingly.


Q. How to Take Care of a Nanday Conure?

Q. How to Tell the Age and Gender of a Nanday Conure?

Q. Can Sun Conures Breed with Nanday Conure?

Q. Do Nanday Conures Lay Eggs Without Mating?

Q. Are Nanday Conures Also Green Cheek Conures?


Nanday Conures are more than just colorful parrots; they are lively, intelligent, and affectionate companions that can bring immense joy to your life. However, they are not low-maintenance pets, and their care requires dedication and understanding.

By nurturing a loving and respectful relationship, providing proper nutrition and mental stimulation, and addressing their unique needs, you can ensure that your Nanday Conure lives a happy and healthy life by your side.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this exciting avian journey and experience the vibrant world of Nanday Conures, get ready for a feathered friend who will fill your days with laughter, chatter, and colorful companionship.

With their striking appearance, vocal talents, and endearing personalities, Nanday Conures are a delightful addition to any bird enthusiast’s life. So why wait? Open your heart and home to the colorful chatterbox of the avian world, and let the adventure begin.